Acne Prevention Tips

Preventing acne is an extremely difficult thing to do. There really isn't a cure for it, yet it drags yourself esteem way down. So just what can an acne suffer do to help minimize breakouts? Here are some basic tips to help control your condition.

Wash Your Skin Gently:

When you wash you should be very careful about how hard you press or rub your face. If you press to hard it will irritate your skin. This can also break open any pimples that you currently have. So, be sure to press lightly when washing and drying your face.

Dont Pop those Zits:

Popping pimples is a really bad idea. By breaking them open you can leave scares and cause more infection.

Avoid Stress:

Stress will cause you to have a breakout. You need to make sure you get enough sleep, eat healthy, and take time to have some fun. This will be one of the hardest things to do when trying to prevent acne.

Loose Clothing:

Loose clothing will be much more easier on your skin when your working out. Tight clothing will cause the sweat and oil to be absorbed into your skin more then it needs to be. Loose clothing will also allow for less irritation from the clothing itself.

These are just some general tips to get you started with your acne prevention. If your acne has gotten out of hand you should always go see your family doctor. They will often recommend something with benzoyl peroxide.

Tyler Casselman runs the healthy skin protal at Healthy Skin 4U

Are You Addicted To Your Acne Trigger?

An acne trigger is any thought, location, feeling, food, emotion, response, drink, drug, memory and/or experience that sets off a series of hormonal reactions in your body that ultimately result in an acne formation.

If a food or drink is the culprit behind your acne breakouts you may actually be addicted to your preferred culinary delight. The allergy addition could stem from the body's response to frequently consumed allergens. During an allergic response, the body releases endorphins. These endorphins in turn create the feeling of a natural high. Any substance that promotes this fleeting state of euphoria may be additive. So, you may be eating a food that you are allergic to just to get high, and as an after blow, you get acne. Ouch.

Surprisingly, eating a lot of any particular food, even a "healthy food", can incite an allergic response. Though still unexplainable, the food creates an immune response and/or stresses specific digestive enzymes. Poor digestion can irritate the body in multiple ways, generating an allergic response.

One way to decide whether or not you are allergic to a certain food is to examine the foods your most often crave. Are you eating the food to experience a gastronomic high? Foods containing chocolate, dairy, wheat, corn, tomatoes, and soy are common sources of food allergens.

Sources and additional reading:

The Inflammation Syndrome: The complete nutritional program to prevent and reverse heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, allergies, asthma. Jack Challem. John Wiley & Sons. 2003.

Stop Inflammation Now! A step-by-step plan to prevent, treat, and reverse inflammation- the leading cause of heart disease and related conditions. Richard M. Flemming, M.D. with Tom Monte. G.P. Putman's Sons. 2004.

Health author and Noixia campaigner Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include "Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne" (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work "Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we're still not getting this dieting thing" (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005.

For useful acne self-help articles visit

Possible Acne Messages

There are over ten forms of acne a person can experience, from chloracne to acne mechanica. Just as acne can take on varied forms, there are a variety of reasons why one may have acne.

Acne formations act as messengers from the body, suggesting beneficial changes to your lifestyle and areas of your life to which you should pay more attention. You know when you have found an acne message because using the information from the message actually improves your health and deepens you level of self-awareness.

Below is a sampling of the some of the needs or unresolved issues that may be exposed by an Acne Message.

Needed diet alteration

Poor level of self-love

Reduction in over the counter medications

Internal detoxification

Need for more exercise

Move to a different relationship or end a current one

Need for more personal challenges

Poor stress management

Uncontrolled emotions

Social anxiety


Un-addressed personal fears

Unmeet goals

Unexpressed Feelings

Bodily neglect

Unadjusted to new settings

Contact with new environments

Poor understanding of cleansing agents

Misuse of hair care products

Excess hormones in foods

Weak organs

Extreme sensitivity to criticism

Acne is not a superficial condition. It strikes deep into the heart and psyche of everyone suffering with this disease. Once your acne trigger(s) is unveiled and dealt with, you, your health and self-esteem reap all the benefits.

Health author and Noixia campaigner Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include "Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne" (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work "Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we're still not getting this dieting thing" (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005.

For useful acne self-help articles visit

Is Milk Giving You the Zits?

A study published in the February 2005 edition of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology re-ignites the acne diet controversy. The study's director, Clement A. Adebamowo, MD, and his team reported finding a positive association between acne and milk consumption.

Dr. Adebamowo based the study on a 1998 high school diet questionnaires completed by 47,355 women, and data collected from physicians who, in 1989, diagnosed teenagers with severe acne.

Dr. Adebamowo hypothesized that the acne association with milk could arise from the presence of hormones and bioactive molecules in milk. Iodine may also provoke the acne flare-ups.

Excess iodine can irritate the pores and trigger acne.

Iodine is a trace mineral that regulates thyroid hormones while promoting normal growth and development. It is present in iodized salt, seafood and crops grown in iodine rich soil.

The Recommended Daily Allowance, RDA, of iodine for adults is 150 mcg, but one cup of milk has 88mcg of iodine.

The easiest way to determine if milk irritates your skin is to stop consuming dairy products for three to four days. If you don't notice any new acne eruptions after this pause in milk drinking, you can moderate you intake of milk in the future to keep zits at bay.

Naweko San-Joyz is creator of the Acne Messages program, the only acne program to combine the latest scientific research and ancient wisdom to deliver an acne cure as unique as the acne sufferer. As there are millions of people with acne, there are a millions cures, find your unique cure with Acne Messages. ISBN: 0974912204 available at Amazon and, Home of Six Billion Natural Cures for Acne

For useful acne self-help articles visit

Do these Zits Mean Anything? An Acne Treatment That Uses Modern Science and Ancient Wisdom

In 2001, after comparing over 250 studies and 150 drugs, a team at Johns Hopkins Children's Center still has no clue as to how to successfully treat acne. With this lineup of intelligence failing to cure acne, how can any average Jane expect to free herself from a zit affliction? Simple; crack the code of your zits.

An effective acne treatment has remained elusive because the deeper meanings behind the information-packed pimples are too often neglected or unexamined, until now.

"Listen to the messages of your zits", proclaims Naweko San-Joyz, author of Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne. Zits are smart and full of knowledge about you and your lifestyle. Those pimples on your face act as little messengers from the body to suggest beneficial changes to your lifestyle and areas of your life to which you should pay more attention.

Acne Messages guides the exacerbated acne sufferer to find out exactly what causes their unique case of acne. This is the shortcoming of most acne prescriptions and creams; they treat acne as a target as opposed to probing into what emotional, physical, psychological and or nutritional needs set off the acne trigger.

Once you decode you zit, the zit will reveal a wealth of practical information about you. For example, how well you cope with stress, whether or not your specific nutritional needs are being met, if your personal goals are being met, if your organs are functioning at optimum levels, and whether or not your self esteem is balanced are just of sample of the revelations communicated by zits. Using ancient wisdom and modern science San-Joyz helps people with acne pinpoint the root cause of their unique case of acne.

Acne Messages is designed for people with acne who can find no relief with drugs, special diets, or creams alone.

Do you let your zits tell you at least these five things about yourself before you pop it, slather it with creams, or ingest some acne wonder drug? If not, this could be why you are one of the 17 million people in the United States still coping with acne.

Read Acne Messages, decode the messages of your zits and say goodbye to acne. You can begin your own Acne Messages just $14.99 plus shipping and handling. Available at and

Health author and Noixia campaigner Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include "Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne" (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work "Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we're still not getting this dieting thing" (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005. For useful acne self-help articles visit

Acne and Skin Problem Myths Debunked

Isn't skin a wonderful thing to have?

An obvious benefit of skin is that it protects our bodies' internal organs from harmful elements like dirt, insects, bites, toxic chemicals, nasty weather, and the like, and it certainly is more attractive than what's underneath.

When skin is healthy it's nice to look at, but when it's diseased, it can not only affect you physically, but more painfully can cause stress and social problems.

Like the common cold, acne and similar skin diseases can be treated and covered up, but cannot really be cured. The best treatment is prevention and knowledge about what makes your skin happy, so that you can avoid skin care enemies and breakout triggers.

The real cause of acne can vary from individual to individual, but some factors can be stated with relative certainty:

1. Acne occurs when pores or hair follicles become blocked or clogged.

2. There are basically 4 types of acne manifestations: whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, and nodules.

3. Acne can appear pretty much anywhere on the skin, though it causes the most concern when it shows up on the face. The worst forms of acne break out, however, on the chest and back, and most commonly on males rather than females because of hormonal differences.

4. There are many common myths and untruths about acne, rosacea, and other skin care problems.

Some acne myths include "you'll outgrow it, so leave it alone", "being out in the sun helps acne", "acne problems are directly or indirectly proportionate to sexual activity", "acne visits dirty people", "acne is contagious", and too many more to list in this short article.

The sad thing is that belief in the myths can be devasting, in that proper treatment is avoided, and lifestyle changes that don't need to be made can take away pleasure unnecessarily.

For example, at one point in my life, I truly believed that I was allergic to chocolate and that it caused my breakouts. Whenever I would succumb to the temptation and have "just a little" I would stress out waiting for the red spots, and sure enough they would appear.

After several years and much experimentation, I learned I had no allergy, the stress was a trigger for me, and a new over the counter face scrub has kept me in the clear ever since.

Knowing what triggers your breakouts can be the difference between constant battles and healthy skin. The Internet is a wonderful place to get the information you need, so stop stressing out and learn what it takes to put your best face forward.

Dennis Becker has developed a free e-Course titled "Ultimate Acne Prevention and Treatment Guide" which debunks the myths and shows you how to look great consistently. The e-Course, along with other skin care articles can be accessed at:

Busting Acne Myths Requires Individualized Treatment and More Research

If you have acne, you know the deal- everybody has a cream or suggestion to help you get clear skin. But how do you separate myth, medicine and folklore to find an acne treatment that works for you? That's what researcher Parker Magin set out to do in a study entitled, A systematic review of the evidence for 'myths and misconceptions' in acne management.

Magin and co-researchers from the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, conclude that clinicians cannot be "didactic" when making acne treatment recommendations that are based on diet, hygiene and sunlight exposure. According to Magin, acne treatments should be individualized.

Meanwhile, the Academy of Dermatology has published a press release touting, The Stubborn Truth About Acne: Myths and Misconceptions. Though this article discusses a recent Stanford University survey that examined acne myths held among young adults, it offers no solid advice for securing an acne antidote. Moreover, its meaning is paradoxical.

For example, the article headlines Alexa Boer Kimball, M.D. who is an assistant professor of dermatology at Harvard University. Dr. Kimballs sums up the survey on acne by saying "that substantial differences still exist between popular belief and scientific support, yet this does not change the way patients attempt to care for their acne."

Dr. Kimballs's comments at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology casts a discrediting shadow over her groundbreaking research that aimed to separate acne fact from fiction. Just two years ago in 2003, Dr. Kimball was apart of a Stanford University study investigating the effect of stress on acne. Then, Dr. Kimball concluded that, "increased acne severity was significantly associated with increased stress levels? while self-assessed change in diet quality was the only other significant association." The results of this study suggested that the link between acne, and diet and stress are no longer hypothetical but warrant further examination.

Another investigation aiming to demystify acne came for Dr. Loren Cordain. Cordain and his associates explored the link between diet and acne in a study called Acne Vulgaris: A Disease of Western Civilization. Cordain noted that Kitavan Islanders of Papua New Guinea and the Aché hunter-gatherers of Paraguay had no active cases of acne. This prompted the question, "So why does acne vulgaris affect 79% to 95% of the adolescent population in westernized societies?"

Cordain found that genes alone do not cause the disparity of acne incidences between non-westernized and modernized societies. Other factors must enter the equation.

Acne can arise from hormonal shifts, stress upheavals and a host of other causes. Your best defense against acne is observing yourself and noting what conditions, foods and emotions aggravate your acne situation. From there, you can use self-care to reduce acne flare-ups.

Health author and Noixia campaigner Naweko San-Joyz lovingly writes from her home in San Diego. Her works include "Acne Messages: Crack the code of your zits and say goodbye to acne" (ISBN: 0974912204) and the upcoming work "Skinny Fat Chicks, Why we're still not getting this dieting thing" (ISBN: 0974912212) for release in June of 2005.

For useful acne self-help articles visit

5 Acne Treatment Tips You Can Use Today

Dealing with acne can be embarassing at any age. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do everyday to make sure your skin is less prone to flare ups. Here are five tips for taking control of your acne starting today.

1. Exercise - Keeping in shape can help fight acne by fighting off negative stress levels that can come from negative self-esteem and depression. However, some safeguards need to be in place to ward off acne that can result from your workout routines. Watch what you put on your body with regards to clothing, sports gear and equipment.

For example, tight lycra and nylon exercise outfits might look great in the movies and on magazine models, but if you are susceptible to acne problems, avoid these synthetic fabrics that tend to trap in body moisture and heat resulting in a bacteria frenzy. Instead, choose loose clothing made of cotton or natural blends to allow more air to get to your skin.

And when you are finished with your workout, get out of clothing wet from perspiration or water sports. Shower and change into dry, clean clothing. And keep your sports gear and equipment clean, too. Dirty headgear, for instance, can irritate forehead areas prone to acne problems. So toss headbands into the washing machine after workout sessions.

2. Cosmetics - To avoid pore-clogging and skin irritations that are similar to acne and that can contribute to acne, use products labeled noncomedogenic or oil-free. Shimmering facial colors can contain a flaky mineral called mica that can cause skin irritations and clog pores. Other additives in coloring that can cause similar reactions are coal tar derivatives, carmine and heavy cream in blushes.

More preventative measures include using a lip gloss that promotes a matte finish instead of a high gloss for less pore-clogging; note the more the shine, the more then comedogenic content and the more the pores can clog. Beware that eye creams can contain heavier concentrations of moisturizers than regular creams and lotions, meaning they have greater potential to clog pores in the surrounding facial areas.

3. Diet - Studies show that diet does not play a role in either the cause or the treatment of acne. However, what is recommended for acne preventative care is this: what is best for your body is best for your skin, especially since your skin is the largest organ of your body. So remember to watch your diet and consume healthy vitamins, minerals and other supplements. This will help to prevent and help conquer acne breakout.

4. Hygiene - A healthy skin regimen should include no harsh scrubbing or over-washing, because this can cause possible skin irritation or possible over production of oil to replace what has washed off, clogging pores in the process. Products with gentle exfoliation ingredients are OK to use; i.e. not scratchy nut or fruit shell pieces that can tear skin. And skip alcohol products when possible; these can take off the top layer of your skin and cause your glands to product more oil, clogging pores in the process.

If you do spot acne-troubled areas, do NOT mess with them. Remember that these are already weeks in the making, and squeezing or picking blemishes can force the infected area to regress back inside, further troubling the region and possibly leave a scar. If necessary, seek help from a dermatologist for alternative treatments.

5. Shaving - Shaving for both genders is actually an excellent way of exfoliating or removing dead skin to help with the prevention and spreading of acne instead of leaving the remains to clog pores. And for some light acne cases already in process, shaving can help rid whiteheads and blackheads from the face. A word of caution: for areas with infection or high inflammatory activity (redness, sensitive, open acne, sores, etc.), do not shave. Or at the very least, use a shaving cream for sensitive skin!

James B. Allen is the publisher of Power Living Press. He invites you to come learn more about living a healthier, wealthier, more beautiful and more powerful life TODAY by visiting:

Emotionally Dealing with Acne

It is a fact that nearly 17 million people in the United States alone currently have acne. Thus, acne is the most common skin disease. However, if so many americans are afflicted with this skin disease, then why is there a social stigma with acne? Due to the ever increasing social and media pressure on americans to become as beautiful as they can be, acne can be a detering blow. If acne is untreated, then it can lead to disfiguration of the skin and permanent scarring affecting self esteem for years to come.

First, acne must not only be treated physically, but emotionally as well. Since acne predominantly affects teens during puberty, which is a stage of generally low self-esteem as the body develops, acne can cause deep emotional scars as well. How does a teen, who is constantly bombarded by media influences telling them that they have to look perfect, accept acne as a common problem that should have no effect on their personal worth? There are several tips that these teens can do that can help overcome acne emotionally.

  • Attend Motivational Summer Camps
  • Join Clubs at School
  • Participate in Sports
  • Develop a Talent
  • Work at a Part-Time Job

These tips help build self-esteem that acne breaks down. For instance, if a teen participates in sports, then not only will they feel that they are part of a group (comradery) but also revel in the accomplishments of the team. A Part-Time job gives the teen a sense of worth, that they can be a valuable part of the work force. The money earned helps gives the teen more self-worth, that they have earned it. If the teen has a natural talent, such as music, the parents can encourage the teen to develop the talent.

Developing a talent not only instills within the teen a healthy work ethic (practice), but seeing the gradual improvement will help boost self-esteem. Perhaps the largest resource that teens can use to overcome the emotional scars of acne is their parents. If parents talked to their teens regularly, and have open conversations with their teen about their acne, then the teen will feel less ashamed of their dilema. Parents can also relate their own experiences with acne, since most americans deal with pimples and zits at least in some point in their life. Parents can also get advice from other parents on how they have helped their teens deal with acne.

On there is a forum where both parents and teens can write about their own experiences with acne, and learn from what others have written.

While acne can be devestating for teens during the developmental years of puberty, the worst scarring can be emotional, not physical. Teens should always remember that acne is a common skin disease that affects many americans. If acne is hurting their self-esteem, parents can boost their self-worth by maintaining open conversations with their children and encourage activities such as clubs, sports, and developing talents.

Dan Goggins is a recent college graduate with interests in small businesses and family life. You can read family and business advice at his website.

How To Use Fish Oil To Help You Stop Acne

If you want to control acne breakouts, you need to supplement your diet with fish oils which contain omega-3 and omega-6 oils. These fish oil also contains EPA and DHA fatty acids which are necessary for creating prostaglandins.

Normally, enzymes in your body break down omega-6 into DGLA, AA, EPA and DHA fatty acids.

Dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid (DGLA)

Arachidonic Acid (AA)

Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)

Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

These four fatty acids eventually change into prostaglandins.

What are prostaglandins?

Prostaglandins are chemical hormones that come from omega-3 and omega-6 oils and that help,

regulate every function in your cells and organs.

Postaglandins also keep androgen hormones in control so that excess sebum is not produce in the hair follicle, which results in acne.

This is the reason why Essential Fatty Acids - Omega-3 and Omega-6 - are critical foods to eat.

However, eating plenty essential fatty acids may not insure that you produce enough EPA and DHA, which produce the essential prostaglandins.

It is critical for acne and more importantly for your health that you get enough EPA and DHA in your cells and organs so they can produce the required prostaglandins.

To increase the prostaglandins in your cell walls, it is necessary for you to take a fish supplement, which contains both the EPA and DHA.

Of course eating salmon, halibut, and mackerel twice a week will be a plus in providing your body with more EPA and DHA.

Here's what I use daily. Spectrum Essentials puts out an excellent product called

Omega-3 Norwegian Fish Oil

Two capsules contains

EPA - 360mg

DHA - 240mg

Omega-3 - 892mg

Stearic, Lauric, Palmitic Acids - 508mg

Using the Omega-3 Norwegian Fish Oil is critical in getting relief from acne, so take two capsules per meal.

When your body creates prostaglandins, it creates a good prostaglandin and a bad prostaglandin. Here's how to encourage the production of good prostaglandins.

·Maintain a ratio of two times more omega-6 than omega-3 in your diet.

·Eating too much omega-6 can lead to producing excess bad prostaglandins.

·Take a multi-vitamin and minerals with your meals to provide these nutrients for breaking down the

essential fatty acids into prostaglandins

·Reduce the amount of meat, saturated fat, dairy, and eggs you eat to reduce the production of AA, which blocks the activities of the good prostaglandins

·Eat cold water fish at least twice a week to provide EPA and DHA to your diet

Include at least 20% of your diet calories as good fats - omega oils and fish oil. This is essential for controlling the excess activity of your hormones and reducing the inflammation of your acne.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. His information can be seen at

Use Essential Fatty Acid To Help You Prevent or Eliminate Your Acne

To eliminate or clear your face of acne it will require you take a variety of health steps. The use of essential fatty acids is but one step. I have identified 10 different steps but will only discuss one step in this article - using essential fatty acids.

Getting sufficient essential fatty acids is of prime importance in clearing acne. It's these fatty acids that help to control the production of excess androgens - the hormones that surge during the teen-age times It is androgens, which causes excess sebum oil to clog your hair follicle and contribute to creating your acne.

The three fatty acids you need to get daily are:




When you are deficient in these essential fatty acids, you will have,

·A weaken immune system

·Inflammatory disorders

·Poor skin

·Skin eruptions and other wounds that won't heal

·Sebum production increases (this is what happens

when you have acne)

·Sebaceous glands size increases

Eating essential oils are necessary to provide you the right oils that are used in the sebaceous glands. These oils can come from straight vegetable oils or from oils in specific foods such as nuts and seeds.

Here's what you need to do. Use flax seed oil (omega-3 oil) and olive oil (omega-6 oil) in your salad. These are the best oils to eat and are called polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The other oil that is even better for you is called monounsaturated fatty acid or omega-9. This oil is found in avocados and somewhat in olive oil.

Most diets people have contain an excess of omega-6 oil (olive oil), so mostly likely you need to concentrate on getting more omega-3 oil (flax seed oil) into your diet.

You can get omega-3 oil from,


·sesame seeds

·pumpkin seeds


·dark leafy green vegetables (spinach, mustard greens, kale)

·wheat germ oil



·albacore tuna

Or, you can take one to two tablespoon of flax seed oil, omega-3 oil, each day. This will give you the amount of omega-3 oil that your body needs. You can add this oil to your morning cereal, soups, smoothies, salads and other liquid foods.

You can get omega-6 oil from,

·olive oil

·flaxseed oil


·grape seed oil

·pistachio nuts


·sunflower seeds


·evening primrose oil

·pumpkin seeds

·pine nuts

Taking 2-3 tablespoons of omega-6 oil a day will give you the amount of this oil that you body needs.

So, to control those androgens and help your body reduce the production of acne or pimples start using more essential fatty acids.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. His information can be seen at